Rush tempo of modern living and high level of community commitment has turned millions of people onto the industry of fast food, and a preference is increasingly frequently given to fast food outlets. Vending has become widely practiced in the world as a convenient way of trading. Eating fast food is handy and even tasty!
Fast food stands are currently very popular. They can be found everywhere. Closed sandwiches that are frequently used for a quick bite enjoy the greatest popularity among prepackaged ready-to-eat items for vending and food outlets.
For the sake of these products’ consumption and transportation convenience, we manufacture special sandwich packaging - K-52, which is made of PVC conforming to all the modern standards.
That packaging is designed to keep the quality and exterior of the goods during their storage and transportation. The package is resistant to mechanical stress, fats and oils, moisture, edible acids and temperature differentials. It preserves securely all the flavours of your product. It suits perfectly for a long-term storage of the products within refrigerating equipment retaining the flexibility properties of plastics.
Our sandwich packaging can be applied in the vacuum sealing using the technology of modified gas environment packing, which increases considerably the storage life for food products.
Thanks to the transparency of PVC products the packed food looks as delicious as on the plate!
It also can be used to pack confectionery (e.x. a triangular piece of cake).